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Hewitt is a very long game, with a complex level of item interaction required to find everything and get everywhere you need. A little too complex at times. Some of the tasks you have to complete are a bit out there and require specific clues to complete, so unless you touch/examine/talk to everything, you'll probably miss a vital hint somewhere. A lot of adventure games fall victim to this common trap. I had to consult the walkthrough myself, and to be quite honest I'm not sure I could have ever made it through the game otherwise. A save feature is offered, so if you're determined to do it yourself you can always save and come back later. Also, it can be a bit cumbersome combining items, as you have to look at it, click it, move it, then hope it works out.

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Hewitt is a very long game, with a complex level of item interaction required to find everything and get everywhere you need. A little too complex at times. Some of the tasks you have to complete are a bit out there and require specific clues to complete, so unless you touch/examine/talk to everything, you'll probably miss a vital hint somewhere. A lot of adventure games fall victim to this common trap. I had to consult the walkthrough myself, and to be quite honest I'm not sure I could have ever made it through the game otherwise. A save feature is offered, so if you're determined to do it yourself you can always save and come back later. Also, it can be a bit cumbersome combining items, as you have to look at it, click it, move it, then hope it works out.
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Please enable Adobe Flash Player to play "Hewitt"

Enable Flash in Chrome settings. When Flash is disabled, the label will read " Block sites from running Flash ".Click the toggle to enable flash and the label will read " Ask First ". Shown like the following:

Now Click And then,click " Allow " in the box that appears in the top-left to play the game.Shown like the following: